Bonjour toute le monde! I finally have a little bit of time to write on my blog and tell everyone how im doing! The MTC is Wonderful i love it here, the spirit is here always and with everyone 24/7 its amazing. French is going good we are on a pilot program so the second day we were all here we started teaching lessons in french for 30 min a day!One of the hardest things here but as the days go on it gets better, i got to talk to my "investigator" who is now our teacher and he said Elder Cheel and I taught great lessons that improved his testimony so much, even though he is a member and knows the Gospel. I re injured my foot again from shin hockey at marks he said that the bones are bruised and the mussels are all strained so no gym for me for a few weeks but i can still walk just fine so nop worries there!Send me lots of letters i love reading them at night and keep up to date with my friends and family! i have the coolest companion , he does the most craziest things and tells funny jokes all the time! he kisses our zone leaders on the cheek when the don't expect it and they freak out and stuff its hilarious. so i only had 10 min left and somehow it gave me 27 min again so i have tmore time to type! but my hands are getting sore because this keyboard sucks. Anyways i got to go to San Francisco the other day and it was pretty cool!i handed out two book of mormons out and it was the spiritual experiences i have had here but i also got shut down by a baptist that was pretty funny but he was pretty cool we talked about how the new mustang gt350 is the fastest mustang ever!!even faster than the supersnake baby!!and if you didn't know the supersnake has 750 hp and the gt350 has 525....crazy right! but anyways everyone write me,love you all!
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ReplyDeleteElder Russo will be departing to France June 06/2011...he finally received his 2 year Visa and he is almost ready to go. For those who is currently using DearElder.com, just want to let you know after his departure to France, they will charge you for the service.It is only free for Provo MTC. You can write him to the same address on his blog on the right hand corner.Please do continue to write him , The first 3 months is really hard to adjust.Not having all the grown ups around him is hard. RJ is friends with everyone...bakery lady...the ice cream truck driver...the mechanics in all the shops around here....he just has the talent to make friends so easy .
ReplyDeleteWell...thank you everyone for writing and sending him so many gifts, baskets and so much love.He is growing spiritually every day, but most of all...he is realizing how important family and friends are and Missionary work.
Thank you !!!
Randy & Stella Russo