HI MOM!!miss you so much! i wish you were here these last few days it's been pretty rough here, I m not getting along with the other elders too well, I m so used to having a best friend like, Mark, Travis, Jackson, Tre and more that these guys are so different and very judgmental :( but today has been good I went and did endowments this morning which was awesome!!Always invites the spirit!We had an apostle come and teach us!Richard G Scott, God sent him for me I know it, his whole topic was about treating your companion with love and not judging and stuff like that which I think was a blessing cause they have been giving me a rough time so them hearing that talk changed the atmosphere. We got some new zone leaders who act like Conor's age, it's seriously a joke that they were called to be leaders of the servants of God, but oh well., my favorite scripture is
MORONI 10:3-5
3"Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts.
4And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
5And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things....
Probably one of the most powerful scriptures I have read that applies to all!I love you and miss you so much you guys have no idea .I m sending a ton of letters today.
Love you!
"I slept and dream t that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was duty. I acted, and behold— Duty was joy."
Mr & Mrs Russo 7-20-2013

Orlando LDS Temple
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
New Letter From Elder Russo...this is my favorite picture of RJ........taken by Gabi..his little sis.

Hello everyone!
This week has been great, we got our "pass-a-longs" this week and I got the ugly tie box for having the coolest tie(the rainbow looking one) I got two nerf guns for being most united with my companion which was suppose to go to the ones who fight the most lol. We also got this ugly watch cause Elder Cheel and I are always late, and some other ones I'll share only if you write me oh and I'm in a one piece pajama right now cause I was the most loving too...I'll be sure to send pictures also!
The older missionaries are leaving, which is sad cause I really grew to love them and looked up to them since they are so spiritually grown! Now four square will be no fun anymore cause no one in my district will play, so now it's me vs the Mexicans and Chineese Teams! Oh and one of my pass a longs was that Im chief judge in foursquare also!Keep sending dear elders and letters lover you guys!!
Elder Russo
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
New Photos of Elder Russo Arrived.

Photo Elder Russo and Elder Mattei Provo Temple
Photo of Elder Russo and other Missionaries at MTC
Click on each photo to see them larger.
Write Elder Russo !!
Friday, April 15, 2011
New Email from Elder Russo 04/15

Bonjour toute le monde! I finally have a little bit of time to write on my blog and tell everyone how im doing! The MTC is Wonderful i love it here, the spirit is here always and with everyone 24/7 its amazing. French is going good we are on a pilot program so the second day we were all here we started teaching lessons in french for 30 min a day!One of the hardest things here but as the days go on it gets better, i got to talk to my "investigator" who is now our teacher and he said Elder Cheel and I taught great lessons that improved his testimony so much, even though he is a member and knows the Gospel. I re injured my foot again from shin hockey at marks he said that the bones are bruised and the mussels are all strained so no gym for me for a few weeks but i can still walk just fine so nop worries there!Send me lots of letters i love reading them at night and keep up to date with my friends and family! i have the coolest companion , he does the most craziest things and tells funny jokes all the time! he kisses our zone leaders on the cheek when the don't expect it and they freak out and stuff its hilarious. so i only had 10 min left and somehow it gave me 27 min again so i have tmore time to type! but my hands are getting sore because this keyboard sucks. Anyways i got to go to San Francisco the other day and it was pretty cool!i handed out two book of mormons out and it was the spiritual experiences i have had here but i also got shut down by a baptist that was pretty funny but he was pretty cool we talked about how the new mustang gt350 is the fastest mustang ever!!even faster than the supersnake baby!!and if you didn't know the supersnake has 750 hp and the gt350 has 525....crazy right! but anyways everyone write me,love you all!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Little Note From Elder Russo 04/14-Picture below, Tre Barns left botton, RJ, Mark ...back top left Jackson.....Missionaries now ! Amazing leaders!.

Hello Friends,
.....Elder Russo has been sending many paper letters to me It will be too hard for me to type all of them in to his blog, so until next Monday....here a little note from him.Translating ..he is still writing in text mode.
I miss you all so much , it was so hard to say goodby. I love it here so much, it is amazing that in just a couple days, I am prepared to teach a investigator about our church in French for 30minutes.Yeah...unbelievable...learning very quickly.I love my companion , he is awesome, one of a kind, that's for sure.I will write tomorrow again. It is late...I am preparing for my next lesson tomorrow.
Love you Always
Elder Russo.
Ps:Please ask everyone to write me. I need letters.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Elder Russo's First Letter 04/08/2011
Hello everyone,
I have officially completed my first week at the MTC!It's awesome here the spirit is so strong here tears come to my eyes almost every time i talk or listen to anyone talk its that strong. The MTC pushes me and ym companion very fast I've already had to teach an investigator in french for 30 min already it was so hard and now i have to teach again today! my companion is awesome his name is Elder Cheel i have lots of pictures and videos for you guys hopefully my mom and dad post them up for you guys.For an example he puts on lipstick and "french kisses" his letters home haha. but my time is scarce on here but be sure to write me!i just got your dear elder letter cause my district leader forgot to get it yesterday but i know the spirit is sooo strong over here i feel it everywhere i go even during lunch and stuff... haven't got any letters from anyone except from you so I'm loving your letter and appreciating it even more since its like my third one since Ive been here and Ive written like 20 already for everyone..I love you guys so much I'm trying my best to learn french my companion is hilarious have some videos and pictures for you guys whenever you send me a replacement memory card and what bank info do you need??send this in a letter so i can get it soon instead of waiting a week for my letter.. and since i don't have enough time i will write a letter for my blog plus you guys probably don't have it set up since its only been a few days.. Ive taught one lesson in french which went horrible it was nerve wrecking cause i didn't know that much french but today i have another one so hopefully i do a lot better than i did yesterday!i love gym here its pure fun!! everyone's love for each other is amazing i wish the world was like the MTC then we would all be blessed with joy and constant love everyday.... i see mark almost every day and also Jackson.., me and mark enjoy seeing each other and talk for like the whole lunch. Gotta goooo!!love you guys soooo much!!
Elder Randolph Russo
MTC Box 116-0412
France Toulouse Mission 0607
2005 North 900 East
Provo, Utah 84604
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