"I slept and dream t that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was duty. I acted, and behold— Duty was joy."
Mr & Mrs Russo 7-20-2013

Orlando LDS Temple
Friday, June 22, 2012
Back from Geneva....
Hey Mom,
I have a little time to send some emails to you and dad, things here are going great!! i received Elder Coulombre from Quebec Canada!! speaks only french and a little of English and he is awesome , I'm kinda nervous to train him and all how to be a missionary but I'm super pumped for it too!! they messed up my birthday again on my legality i swear its getting pretty annoying, president isn't too happy about that considering that i am illegal for the moment lol well not really but technically. i Hope everything is going good at home i heard Conor was robbed that's sad to here i hope he gets it back or something but i guess there's a lesson to be learned in all things! well i got to go, Love you so much here's a little miracle that i had yesterday i hope you like it!
I recently had a really sweet miracle just yesterday when i got on my train to come home with my blue, and we lost our seats because the trains were all messed up so we had to sit in between the train cars in these tiny little seats, well there happened to be a lady sitting in the same little space as us and she started talking to us and stuff asking who we were, we ended up teaching her to restoration and the plan of salvation to her and it was awesome i could just tell that the lord prepared her to meet us at that exact time , and the best part was that when the trains stops usually people get out and smoke and when it first stopped everyone got out and all of a sudden she realized and told us " im a smoker i always smoke when the trains stops but with you guys i don't want to smoke i dont care about it at all wow i just feel so good" after she said that at us she told that to all the others that were around her too, the spirit was so strong it was awesome, those moments when someone is so ready and when they are really in need of the Gospel and they just accept it makes my mission,i got her address and i passed it to the elders that live in her city so i hope that they teach her and that she gets baptised!!
love you, Elder Russo
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Dear Elder Russo, what a beautiful experience you, your companion and that lady had. I'm so so happy and proud of you. I don't know if you know this story but grampa Bira was a smoker since he was 13 and after he met the missionaries they prayed with him that he would never feel the desire to smoke again and that, as a miracle, happened. Grampa never more in his life felt the desire to smoke although he'd tried that several times before. Miracles happen when we let ourselves be tools in Heavenly Father's hands. Thanks for sharing your miracle. I imagine how hard it is sometimes but those moments I'm sure make it all worth. You will make a difference in those people's life like that missionary made a diference in our families lives. I love you and pray for you always.
ReplyDeleteLove, titia Tati.