Hello Mom,
Glad you are having a good time.This week we went to Beziers in Geneva to attend the Missionaries Conference,and visited the other elders . We went bowling, we visit the Cathedral and hung out. Around 10am we sang the star spangled banner and a french lady cursed us all out for about 10 min straight and wouldn't stop it was hilarious lol.Geneva was awesome!!!!!!!!!! very beautiful place. I could be be a accountant in two weeks , I hope the president picks me cause I will be living there for the next six months right next to lake Geneva!!! so yeah that's all what happened this week for me really. We haven't gotten a hold of Lurent since he dropped us but we still try so hopefully for something to work out! We might be having two families baptized soon I don't know but everything is in great progress right now i'ts so exciting!!Thank you for what you say in your letters, those type of things really make me happy when you tell me those things and you are exactly right everyone just needs love!I bought the contacts sorry I didn't get your email fast enough but I wont buy anymore unless you send them to me or whatever you want to do that's best sorry ...one thing you can do that would be awesome is get dad and conor involved with the missionaries because it so important you have no idea the blessing when there is a member present while the missionaries teach,and make conor invite friends and go to all the sports that the missionaries have it's horrible when Elder Bowen and I look forward to sports and no one shows up, so help the missionaries please!! love you and I hope you are on the computer so we can talk some more! love you!!!
"I slept and dream t that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was duty. I acted, and behold— Duty was joy."
Mr & Mrs Russo 7-20-2013

Orlando LDS Temple
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
New Letter From RJ 07/04/2011
Email #1 to mom
Hey mom!!!
How's home? Update me I haven't heard to much lately... How's conor? How's Babi and Ashley??
Things here are good I sent an email to dad about missionary work so
read his it will be easy... We went to a different Internet cafe and
they don't have English key boards so it's difficult to write ... This
morning has been crazy moving washing machines down three flights of
stares and down a block and then we missed our train to Beizzer (idk
if that is how you spell it) to go bowling so yeah rough morning but
hopefully it get's better... This week is going to be awesome!!!!! I
get to go to Geneva Switzerland!! for three days for the new
missionary conference!! I also got a new president..Brother Murdock is his
name and he's pretty cool but he shortened our email time which I
don't think is good at all... But what he says goes so oh well.
Missionary work is going good I should be getting a new companion in
two weeks when transfers come maybe I will get one of my friends from
the MTC or something, who knows!! I miss you all so very much obj and
there is the Brazilian lady in my ward who talks Portuguese and
sounds just like you which upsets me cause it makes me miss you even
more! Have a good fourth of July I will talk to you next week live
Letter #2 to daddy
Hi Dad,
It's ok I'm just glad to hear from you! And about the letter, I made
some stupid decisions before but all I can say is that thosethings no
longer pertain to me i feel different I feel the Rj before the mission
was just a blur now I feel like the Rj I was always suppose to be :).
So it's her name is Julie, one of the investigator and her daughter who were supposed to be baptized but
the father said no for the daughter and we can no longer baptize Julie, because she doesn't ever meet with us and also because she is
living with her ex husband which is not ok in the church so it's going
to take a lot of effort to help her change but there's still hope! But
now there's another one, his name is Laurent and he's a good guy a
very bad past homosexuality depression cutting and what not but he
wants to change and I will be the one baptizing him if everything goes
as planned!!
.. I miss america so much lol ,France is awesome but
there's somethings I miss like $ menu at McDonalds or taco bell..American food!! haha
....but I still love it here. About your knee, talk to Travis because the
protein we take helps muscle rebuilding really well I use it all the
time when I work out and when I get sore, so try that out and see how
it works or you can go to the YMCA and workout in the pool with the old
farts haha!! ,
send me a picture of Gabi and the bear please!oh and I love the picture
of you falling asleep next to your iPad haha. And thank you for the
scripture! I feel like a dictionary of scriptures haha I have so many
I'm almost excited to come back and teach the people in our ward. Oh
and speaking of wards we had a ton of people come to church including
4 investigators which was awesome because there isn't many who come to
church unforunately but I was very happy with the numbers
yesterday!!love you dad and miss you very much I hope to here from you
soon... Today has been hectic so we had to do emails early so I can't
message back and froth but next week we can!! Love you dad and if you
ever need help with scriptures you want to share innpriests forum let
me know I have a ton!!happy forth of July!!
Hey mom!!!
How's home? Update me I haven't heard to much lately... How's conor? How's Babi and Ashley??
Things here are good I sent an email to dad about missionary work so
read his it will be easy... We went to a different Internet cafe and
they don't have English key boards so it's difficult to write ... This
morning has been crazy moving washing machines down three flights of
stares and down a block and then we missed our train to Beizzer (idk
if that is how you spell it) to go bowling so yeah rough morning but
hopefully it get's better... This week is going to be awesome!!!!! I
get to go to Geneva Switzerland!! for three days for the new
missionary conference!! I also got a new president..Brother Murdock is his
name and he's pretty cool but he shortened our email time which I
don't think is good at all... But what he says goes so oh well.
Missionary work is going good I should be getting a new companion in
two weeks when transfers come maybe I will get one of my friends from
the MTC or something, who knows!! I miss you all so very much obj and
there is the Brazilian lady in my ward who talks Portuguese and
sounds just like you which upsets me cause it makes me miss you even
more! Have a good fourth of July I will talk to you next week live
Letter #2 to daddy
Hi Dad,
It's ok I'm just glad to hear from you! And about the letter, I made
some stupid decisions before but all I can say is that thosethings no
longer pertain to me i feel different I feel the Rj before the mission
was just a blur now I feel like the Rj I was always suppose to be :).
So it's her name is Julie, one of the investigator and her daughter who were supposed to be baptized but
the father said no for the daughter and we can no longer baptize Julie, because she doesn't ever meet with us and also because she is
living with her ex husband which is not ok in the church so it's going
to take a lot of effort to help her change but there's still hope! But
now there's another one, his name is Laurent and he's a good guy a
very bad past homosexuality depression cutting and what not but he
wants to change and I will be the one baptizing him if everything goes
as planned!!
.. I miss america so much lol ,France is awesome but
there's somethings I miss like $ menu at McDonalds or taco bell..American food!! haha
....but I still love it here. About your knee, talk to Travis because the
protein we take helps muscle rebuilding really well I use it all the
time when I work out and when I get sore, so try that out and see how
it works or you can go to the YMCA and workout in the pool with the old
farts haha!! ,
send me a picture of Gabi and the bear please!oh and I love the picture
of you falling asleep next to your iPad haha. And thank you for the
scripture! I feel like a dictionary of scriptures haha I have so many
I'm almost excited to come back and teach the people in our ward. Oh
and speaking of wards we had a ton of people come to church including
4 investigators which was awesome because there isn't many who come to
church unforunately but I was very happy with the numbers
yesterday!!love you dad and miss you very much I hope to here from you
soon... Today has been hectic so we had to do emails early so I can't
message back and froth but next week we can!! Love you dad and if you
ever need help with scriptures you want to share innpriests forum let
me know I have a ton!!happy forth of July!!
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